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The Journal of Cultural Policy. Vol. 35, No. 1, 2021

Social Workers’ Role Perception in Culture and Arts Education for the Disabled: Focusing on Service Mediation
장애인 문화예술교육에 대한 사회복지사의 주관적 역할인식: 서비스매개 역할을 중심으로
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):5-36.
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Time Constraints in Family and Leisure Expenditure
가족여가의 시간 제약과 여가비 지출간의 관계
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):37-66.
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Discussion on the Feasibility of Core Value Index for Cultural Impact Assessment
문화영향평가 핵심가치지표 타당성 논의
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):67-104.
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Shifting from Cultural Enjoyment-Type to Social Innovation-Type: A Gap between the Required Capabilities of Cultural Autonomy and a Policy Direction of Promoting Cultural Community
문화향유 중심에서 사회혁신형으로:전라북도 사례로 본 문화자치역량 격차와 문화공동체 육성 방향
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):105-132.
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A Study on the Competitiveness-Reinforcing Factors of Regional Culture Foundations: Using M. Porter's Diamond Model, Focusing on the Case of Daegu City
지역문화재단의 경쟁력 강화요인 분석: M. Porter의 다이아몬드 모델을 적용한 대구지역 사례 중심으로
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):133-162.
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Cultural Politics and National Role as Seen through Soft Power: Analyses of the US, the UK, France, and Germany
소프트파워 관점에서의 문화정치와 국가역할: 미국, 영국, 프랑스, 독일 사례분석
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):163-191.
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The International Developmental Cooperation and Cultural Official Development Assistance in South Korea
한국 국제개발협력과 문화 ODA
J. Cult. Policy 2021;35(1):191-225.
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